About Me

Vijay Kumar RaisinghaniI have always been fascinated about the fact that simple and easy techniques of meditation have such a profound impact on our mind and quality of living. Read about what meditation is, the connection with doctrine and how long ago it arose, its meaning and benefits at 21clradio.com, so our resource will become your guide to the world of meditation!

Isn't it amazing that just by the practice of simple meditation techniques on a regular basis, one can -

- be free of the deepest conditioning s

- achieve stress relief and mental relaxation

- experience deep peace and tranquility

- achieve greater success in life!

Over the years, I have been researching different types of meditation techniques from various traditions. Just like nuggets of gold and precious pearls from a vast treasure chest, I am amazed to find valuable meditation techniques everyday -- that are very easy-to-do, and have a very powerful impact on our overall physical, mental and emotional well-being.

They are like the essence of what the great self-realized sages and saints had found after years of self-exploration and enlightenment.

You would be amazed to know that an activity as simple as walking or jogging can also take the form of meditation! It is not about what you do, but how you do it, that makes any act in our daily life a meditation!

This website seeks to share the bliss of meditation to all. It is this zeal that has lead to its creation. Meditation is the alchemy that transforms life from the inside-out. It is the first and the last freedom from all problems, anxiety and fears. It is the ultimate antidote for suffering; and is the one and only path towards eternal bliss.

And the interesting thing about it is that it is absolutely within the reach of every individual! All that you need to know is the right meditation technique to achieve that state of bliss. It's that easy!

Through this website, I would like to share about my insights, discoveries and my own experiences of this inner self-exploration into this fascinating journey and mystery called "Meditation".

The meditation techniques described in this website have been developed and pioneered by self-realized saints and sages over tens of thousands of years. Although this site has been built by me, very few of the core concepts and philosophies behind the meditation techniques, originally belong to me.

- I have only created a platform through which the layman can gain a good understanding of the easiest and most effective meditation techniques, and then practice them in his/her daily life to lead a much more blissful and stress-free life.

- This website has been created as a simple compass and barometer to provide clarity to you on which meditation techniques would suit you the most for achieving maximum inner peace and tranquility in the midst of your busy life.

- It is a synthesis of the easiest, most practical and effective meditation techniques that I have learnt and discovered throughout the years in my own personal endeavors on this subject of meditation.

As I have researched intensively the fascinating world of meditation, zen, yoga and spirituality, I have observed very complex phrases, difficult language and perplexing sentences that make life difficult for the seeker, who is already confused in the first place.

A direct & simplified approach would yield much better and far-reaching effects. This is the reason why all attempts have been made to keep the contents and explanations in this website most lucid, simple and easy-to-understand for the layman.

This website does not represent any particular religious organization. Its approach towards meditation is as a science for total self-transformation.

This website is just like a tiny droplet of water in the vast oceanic information that is available on the subject of meditation & its techniques. Nevertheless, it shall be very helpful for people of all age groups, whether they have just taken the first step towards meditation or are practicing advanced meditation techniques.

This website would be continually evolving with the latest information on meditation, yoga, Zen & other types of stress reduction and guided meditation techniques.

As far as my personal life is concerned, there is not really a lot to write about. Let my words carry the fragrance of meditative calm and bliss that I experience on a daily basis. In fact, meditation is an experience of a state beyond the limitations of age, sex, caste, creed, religion or any other external factors.

I practice meditation, pranayam and yoga on a regular basis. The pursuit of enhancing self-consciousness and awareness is an ongoing activity and I find small and steady improvements in my inner spiritual journey everyday.

As far as my spiritual growth and evolution is concerned, I feel that I do have quite a way to go. But, it's an ongoing journey. Looking at it as a goal to be achieved is in itself the biggest barrier from getting to that point. And it also makes the journey more arduous and less joyful!

Talking about my personal life, I am quite similar to most of the other Indian guys. As is the case with any other person, I also pursue my career, have a family to support and take care of other general responsibilities.

My hobbies include listening to music, interacting with friends, meditation, yoga, pranayam, exercising, reading, writing, meeting new people, helping others and so on. I like to enjoy the various colors that life has to show everyday.

In order to achieve the maximum benefits from the meditation techniques given in this website, make sure to read the instructions carefully and give them a sincere try for a couple of weeks (around 3 weeks at least). You shall be amazed by the wonderful benefits that the regular practice of simple meditation techniques can do in your life!

Wishing you success on every step of your inner spiritual journey!

Vijay Kumar Raisinghani